What's All About English

English is a fun language, which inspire people from all walks of life. This language binds people from all over the world. So, don't be afraid of this language. It is a language of love, peace and humility.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Writer's Block

I am in the midst of completing a module for the Form 1 to 3 English Literature Module. It was supposed to be submitted late last year, but I kept postponing the dateline. And now, I am having the "writer's block". I don't know what to write, I write, then I stop. It's been going for almost two months, and I am not sure when this "block" will stop. It's like going back to university's years- dissertations not being touched for a complete month. There are many things going on right now,that I am lost in focus. Maybe I need a break, or perhaps I need a holiday, phew...
Note: Writer's block? Well.. it is blocking my way....(hahaha)